The first 3 things to do when wanting to improve your life!

1-Understand that there are different perceptions (everyone has their own unique one) and yours are not set in stone. We are great at creating illusions for ourselves in the realm of faulty perceptions. Like, I am not as good as that person, so I can’t do what they do! When other people see that you are as good, if not better than that other person! How many of you have been told things about yourself from others that you didn’t believe? Like a lot of you, I only wasn’t able to accept their perceptions of me. To my detriment of course. So, when you become aware that you might have some unserving perceptions, you can then change them. That is what coaches, teachers and mentors do. They share a different perspective for the person they are working with so they can level up.

2-Realize that life is a cycle. Just like the sunrise and sunset and the new moon and full moon, your life and my life has cycles. So, you are probably wondering how this will help you? It helps because you can then understand that when you are down in life, you will go back up. Not only will, but have to go up. And, nothing stays high all the time and comes back down. These are not to be looked down upon. You can use them for your advantage when you learn your cycles.

3- Stop playing the blame game and take responsibility for yourself and your results. When you stop pointing the finger out at the world and turn it around towards yourself, you take the power of changing your life back from the external world and give it to yourself. Because, if you blame, fill in the blank : government, society, your parents, teachers or whomever or whatever, that gives them the power over you. One of the first steps to an amazing life is to have total control and power of your life. This means accepting responsibility for everything that happens in you life or at least your reaction to everything that happens in your life. When you stop blaming others, you become very powerful!

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